Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 7, 2015

Chocolate Fix for People on a Diet

Chocolate Fix for People on a Diet

There is that one craving that never seems to go away, the craving for chocolate. Unfortunately, chocolate is typically a high-calorie treat containing saturated fats and added sugars. Chocolate can be incorporated during weight loss and when following special diets, as long as dieters make smart choices and practice self-control. Satisfying that chocolate craving may even make the diet more successful by preventing feelings of deprivation and boredom.

Select Individually Wrapped Chocolate Treats
To prevent over indulgence, portion control items that come individually wrapped. Eating one Hershey's Kiss, which has 22 calories, after lunch will not break the bank, but eating a Nestle Crunch bar that has 220 calories will. Pick the "fun-sized" chocolate candies that are small and have less than 60 calories a piece. Plan specific times of days to enjoy this treat. Do not eat them whenever you feel like it, because this could lead to overindulgence. When planning a chocolate treat after lunch, pack one piece every day, instead of leaving a stock pile in a desk, which may quickly become a binge snack when self-control is low.

Avoid Fancy and Gourmet Chocolates
While that one Hershey's Kiss only contains about 22 calories, a fancy chocolate truffle contains a minimum of 73 calories. Truffles contain creamy centers that increase the caloric content of the treat due to added sugars and fat. Try and stick with pure chocolate rather than a chocolate truffle with caramel or peanut butter, both of which are high in calories. Truffles may be pretty, but they have more calories than plain chocolates.

Go Dark
All chocolate is made from cocoa, but dark chocolate contains a higher percentage of cocoa with less added sugar and fat. Cocoa contains special compounds called flavanols, which work as antioxidants in the body and may decrease the risk of heart disease. This however, does not give dark chocolate a perfect reputation, because it can still contribute a significant number of calories to your daily total. When enjoying dark chocolate, choose one with a cocoa content greater than 65 percent and practice portion control in the same manner as you would with milk chocolate.

Beware of Sugar Alcohols
When exploring "diet" or "sugar-free" chocolates, beware. The low or reduced calorie sweeteners added to them could be sugar alcohols like mannitol, glycerol, or xylitol. These sugar alcohols may have laxative effects, or other gastric effects, in some people. So, though it may be a product lower in calories or lower in fat, the disadvantages may still override the perks.

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder in Men

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder in Men

Bipolar Disorder is a medical condition known as a depressive disorder. It affects the brain's chemistry and functions. Because it does, it has different results depending on the individual. The commonality of bipolar disorder across patients is that it is characterized by episodes of mania and depression. The way these patients act, feel or think is all dependent upon the type of bipolar disorder, brain chemistry, and the patient's gender.

Mania Symptoms
The manic episodes of bipolar disorder exhibit the following symptoms: hyperactivity, acting impulsively, difficulty concentrating, racing thoughts, inflated self opinions, excessive talking, and less need for sleep

Depression Symptoms
The depressive episodes of bipolar disorder exhibit the following symptoms: feeling sad, anxious, hopeless, or negative for a significant period of time, difficulty remembering or concentrating on things, difficulty making decisions, lack of enjoyment for usual activities, eating and sleeping pattern changes, and suicidal thoughts.

Associated Symptoms
According to research made available through the U.S. Library of Medicine and the National Institute of Health, men with bipolar disorder will more often have problems with--and exhibit signs of--substance abuse, particularly during manic episodes.

The behavioral patterns and mood swings symptomatic of bipolar disorder are often perceived wrongly by men to be a character flaw or sign of weakness, the result of which leads fewer men to pursue proper diagnosis and treatment.

Bipolar disorder occurs just as frequently in men as it does in women.

Rapid Cycling
Rapid cycling bipolar disorder (symptomatically characterized by four or more manic-depressive episodes occurring within one year) is more common in men than it is in women.

Signs and Symptoms of Sunstroke

Signs and Symptoms of Sunstroke

Sunstroke, also known as heatstroke, is a life-threatening condition in which the body's heat-regulating system fails due to exposure to high temperatures. It happens when the body is unable to rid itself of excess heat due to vigorous activity or a very hot environment.

Who Gets Sunstroke?
Though anyone can get sunstroke, there are people who are more susceptible. They include children, the elderly, athletes, diabetics, alcoholics and those not used to extreme heat and sun. Certain medications can also make a person more prone to heatstroke. Ask your doctor about medications you are taking before venturing outdoors in the heat.

Signs to Look For
Symptoms of sunstroke include:
• elevated body temperature
• very dry or dehydrated skin
• rapid pulse
• headache
• dizziness
• exhaustion
• nausea or vomiting

More Serious Symptoms
If sunstroke progresses, more serious symptoms can occur. These include:
• mental confusion
• hyperventilation
• body cramps
• painful spasms in arms and legs
• seizure
• coma

If sunstroke is not treated, eventually it can damage organs. Even death may occur if symptoms are prolonged. It is imperative that you treat a sunstroke victim at the moment there are signs.

What to Do if Sunstroke Strikes
It is important to lower the body temperature in a fast but monitored way. First, get the person to a shady area and call 911. While you are waiting for the paramedics to arrive, remove clothing and apply cool water to the skin. Place ice packs under the person's armpits and at the groin to promote sweating. Be sure to give the person enough liquids to restore hydration but not too much that he vomits. Vomiting will cause further dehydration.

Prevent Sunstroke
To avoid sunstroke, it is important to stay hydrated by drinking lots of liquids and maintaining the body at a normal temperature when doing outdoor activities. Stay clear of alcohol and caffeine because they can cause dehydration. Wear light colored and loose-fitted clothing and take breaks often to get a drink and keep hydrated.

How to Reduce Your Risk of Obesity

How to Reduce Your Risk of Obesity

Obesity can threaten both your health and your appearance. Reading this article will teach you how to reduce your risk of obesity.

Avoid Certain Foods

1. Avoid excessive consumption of fatty foods. Foods that taste really good (almost to the point of sinfulness) are probably loaded with fats and other unhealthy ingredients. People generally eat these foods because they taste good and they are quick to prepare. Foods that you should avoid on a regular basis include anything fried; foods with hydrogenated oils; chips and other snack foods. It is recommended that you keep these foods to a minimum in order to reduce your chances of obesity.

2. Watch your sugar and carb intake. This is perhaps the section of nutrition that people disregard most often. Some people are lured into thinking that just because a food doesn't have fat in it, it won't make them gain weight. Foods without fat or that are low in fat tend to be higher in carbs and sugars. It is recommended that you have the suggested serving of breads and grains each day (try to avoid too many sugars and white breads) and no more than the recommended amount because the unused portion of these foods can store as fat in your body.

3. Avoid eating late at night. Eating late at night (especially foods that aren't healthy) can contribute to weight gain. The rule is that you can have all you want to eat before the hours of 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. (or one or two hours before bed since a large percentage of people go to bed between the hours of 9-11 p.m.) It is recommended that you avoid junk foods after dark to avoid unnecessary weight gain.

Signs of Bipolar Disorder in Women

Signs of Bipolar Disorder in Women

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a type of depression in which the affected person will display extremes in temperament --- from the highest high to the lowest low. However, seeing the signs of bipolar disorder in women can be tricky because people are often quick to write these mood swings off as hormonal changes.

Manic Mood
When a woman is transitioning into a manic state you might notice that her attitude will be greatly elevated. She can seem abnormally chipper and outgoing. However, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, a woman with bipolar disorder can also display manic mood changes that can easily appear to be PMS. For instance, many women will be easily agitated or cranky when they are manic.

Depressive Mood
Often, depressive mood changes are easier to recognize in women then manic mood changes. A depressed woman sometimes complains of being abnormally anxious. She might also seek for some meaning in her life as she tries to cope with feelings of emptiness. Furthermore, she can withdrawal and lose interest in doing most things. This is notably seen by a woman's partner when she suddenly and adamantly rejects her partner's sexual advances.

Manic Behavior
While manic moods can be hard to recognize, manic behaviors are not. Women experiencing a manic episode will frequently display erratic and illogical behaviors. For instance, some women will max out an entire credit card in one shopping binge. Others will skip work to start on a new personal project. Some women will engage in spontaneous sexual encounters with strangers or will be uncharacteristically interested in sex. Manic women will also experience trouble sleeping, will speak quickly and are easily distracted.

Depressive Behavior
When a woman becomes depressed her behavior changes are typically noticeable to anyone close to her. These changes include frequent complaints of being tired or worn-out, problems concentrating and thinking clearly, irritability or changes in eating and sleeping habits. While these types of changes can be synonymous with a woman's monthly cycle, a period of behavior lasting longer than two weeks is something to take notice of.

Bipolar disorder manifests itself in a variety of ways. Some women with the illness will experience prolonged periods of mania or depression while others will drift only briefly between the two, spending most of the time feeling very normal. However, bipolar disorder of any degree can become serious and is often a lifetime condition. If you suspect someone has the disorder it is important to offer your emotional support and always report suicidal threats to a therapist or emergency response team.

Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 7, 2015

Bedtime Yoga Poses

Yoga can help stretch a tight body and quiet a busy mind before bedtime. The best stretches are ones that have a calming effect over the nervous system and mind, while stretching deeply into the major areas of tightness in the body. When the body is relaxed, loose and open, and the mind is quiet, you are better prepared to rest well.

Forward Folds
Forward folds stretch the back of the legs, which gets tight from standing, too much activity and sitting for long periods of time. The folds also send a signal to the nervous system to stop the flight-or-flight adrenaline rush we use throughout our day, and to start to relax. Forward folds, with the legs together, one leg extended or wide legs, are common and effective folds for stretching the legs and calming the mind.

Neck and Shoulders
Many of your daily activities can cause you to look downward, which tugs on your shoulders and the back of your neck. This can lead to tension and tightness in your neck, shoulders and head, causing tension headaches. This area is also one of the regions you tense when you are stressed. This tension can build and make it hard to find a comfortable position to sleep. By stretching in to these areas, you can relieve some of this tension. Try shoulderstand, cat/cow poses, clasp your hands behind your back, or simply drop your ear toward your shoulder.

Hip Openers
The hips also become tight from too much activity or not enough movement. The hips are also one of the targets of stress. When we are stressed, the hips tense and become tight. This tightness in the hips can affect your sleep, causing you to toss and turn or wake up throughout the night. Stretching the hips will loosen the muscles and release the stress-related tension. Stretches such as pigeon pose, wide-knee child's pose, and firelog pose all stretch deeply into the hips.

Twisting poses help you stretch all the way from the hips, through the back and sides, to neck and head. These twists release tension along the spine and all of the muscles connecting into it. When the spinal muscles are tight, it can cause back pain, which may prevent you from sleeping fully through the night. Gentle twists are best before bedtime, such as a seated twist or a simple recline twist.

5 Breathing Techniques for Weight Loss

5 Breathing Techniques for Weight Loss

When it comes to losing weight and boosting our metabolism, we tend to focus on fad diets and supplements rather than thinking about our breath. Surprisingly, the breath plays a major role in fat loss and metabolism.

Taking 15 minutes a day to just breathe a little deeper could help aid in weight loss.

Fat is made up of oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen. When oxygen makes its way to the fat molecules, it breaks them down into carbon dioxide and water. The blood filters out the carbon dioxide and gives it to the lungs to be exhaled. Oxygen also thins the blood, which lowers your blood pressure and speeds up metabolism. That’s a pretty cool perk for something the body does on its own.

Add some conscious breathing to your daily routine with one of these five methods.

Method 1: Deep Breathing For Relaxation

1. Exhale all the air from your lungs.
2. Inhale slowly through the nose for six counts.
3. Hold at the top of your inhale for six counts.
4. Exhale slowly for six counts.
5. Check your posture. Are you slouching with your exhale? If you’re slouching, readjust your position to ensure a straight spine and repeat steps 2 through 5.

Do this 10 times each evening or when you start to feel stressed or overwhelmed. You can do the exercise lying down, sitting up or standing.

Method 2: Deep Breathing For Energy
1. Exhale all the air from your lungs.
2. Inhale slowly through the nose for six counts. When you feel like your lungs are completely filled, take one more sip of air.
3. Hold your breath for eight counts. Work toward eventually holding it for 12 counts.
4. Exhale through the mouth for eight counts. Do not release all the air at once. Try pursing your lips to release air more slowly. When you feel like you have no more air in your lungs, exhale one breath more.
5. Hold your breath again for 8 counts, keeping your ribcage and abdomen tight and contracted. If you can’t hold your breath for eight counts without feeling overwhelmed, hold your breath for less time and try to work toward eight counts.

Repeat these steps 10 times in the morning and anytime during the day for a burst of energy. You can do this exercise sitting or standing.

Method 3: Alternate Nostril Breathing for Cleansing
1. Sit up straight and place your left hand comfortably on your left knee.
2. Place the tip of your right index finger and middle finger on the space between your eyebrows. Place your right thumb on your right nostril. Position your right ring finger near your left nostril.
3. Press your thumb down on your right nostril and exhale through the left nostril until there’s no more air in your lungs. Breathe in deeply through your left nostril.
4. Release the pressure on your right nostril, press down with your ring finger on your left nostril, and exhale through your right nostril until there’s no more air in your lungs.
5. Release the pressure on your left nostril, and breathe in through your right nostril.
6. Repeat steps 3 through 5.

Remain in a comfortable seat position and repeat this sequence five to seven times.

Method 4: The Breath of Fire For Metabolism
1. Sit up very straight and place your fists on your core center. This will encourage you to keep your core contracted.
2. Exhale all the air from your lungs.
3. Inhale slowly through the nose for six counts.
4. Purse your lips and make short, powerful exhalations. Do not inhale in between exhalations. The force of the exhalations will naturally bring air back into your lungs. Exhale 50 to 100 times, gradually increasing the number of exhales.
5. On the last exhale, force all of the air from your lungs and hold for one count.
6. Relax and breathe normally.

Do this sitting on your knees or in a comfortable seated position.

Method 5: Vacuum Breathing For Toning the Core
1. Place your knees and hands on the ground.
2. Exhale all the air from your lungs while sucking your belly in.
3. Hold your breath and expand your lungs without an inhaling. Try to pull your stomach to your spine.
4. Hold this position for 10 seconds.
5. Release your breath slowly and repeat.

Do this for five minutes each day.

How to Treat Heat Stroke

How to Treat Heat Stroke

Heat stroke is a serious medical emergency, requiring aggressive cooling and immediate evacuation.

Things You'll Need
  • Notebooks
  • Sports drinks
  • Pens
  • Thermometers
  • Water Filters
  • Oral Rehydration Salts
  • Rectal Thermometer
  • Bandannas
  • Coolers
  • Ice
  • Wilderness First Aid Classes
  • Cold Compresses


1. Evaluate for heat stroke (see "How to Assess Heat Illness"). If you suspect heat stroke, treat with the following steps.

2. Move the patient out of direct sunlight, preferably into a cool, shaded area.

3. Have the patient lie flat and elevate his or her feet.

4. Remove heat-retaining clothing.

5. Wet the patient down and fan him or her, or immerse the patient in cool water.

6. Place ice packs on the patient's head, back of the neck, armpits, palms of the hands, soles of the feet and groin.

7. Hydrate well with lots of water, a diluted sports drink or oral rehydration solution, but only if the patient is conscious enough to hold a cup and drink unassisted.

8. Monitor body temperature frequently, keeping careful notes on how long the patient remains at a given temperature. Transfer these notes when you transfer care.

9. Evacuate immediately, continually monitoring and writing down the patient's body temperature.

Types of Food That Cause Acne

Types of Food That Cause Acne

Although the correlation between diet and acne is still being researched, studies show connections between certain triggering foods and acne flare-ups. Diet may be a key player in both resolving and worsening symptoms.

A study from the Harvard School of Public Health indicates that dairy products, and in particular skim milk, may trigger acne breakouts. While more rigorously collected data is needed to confirm the correlation, evidence shows that certain dairy products may aggravate acne because of their hormone and bioactive molecule content.

Cows receive hormones to increase milk production, and residues of those hormones pass to humans in the milk. This can cause an increase of sebum (oil) production, which clogs pores and allows bacteria to grow on the skin, leading to skin inflammation and acne breakouts.

Sugar is justifiably considered the cause of many food-related health problems, and it is also considered a possible trigger for acne flare-ups. Eating sugar causes the level of blood sugar to rise, and that stimulates the production of the hormone insulin. Constant spikes of insulin in the blood can lead to insulin-resistance, which enhances sebum production and the development of acne symptoms.

Foods With High Glycemic Index
The glycemic index indicates how fast a carbohydrate enters the bloodstream. A study suggests that a low glycemic load diet may improve not only the symptoms of acne vulgaris, but also the insulin sensitivity of the patient. Eating foods with a high glycemic index, such as refined carbs like pasta, cause a spike in blood sugar, which leads to excess insulin generation and consequently, to inflammation.

A Few Tips
  • Keep a food diary and document any acne flare-ups to investigate whether there's a correlation between certain foods you eat and flare-ups you experience.
  • Supplement your diet with healthy fats, like fish oil, because of their anti-inflammatory properties. A study suggests that fish oil supplementation may improve acne severity.
  • Take probiotics. According to the Gut-Brain-Skin Theory, which has recently been supported by some evidence, probiotics influence systemic inflammation, oxidative stress, glycaemic control, tissue lipid content and even mood. *Follow a low glycemic load diet.

How to Cure Back Pain

Most of us will suffer from back pain sometime during our lives, probably more than once. Fortunately, the majority of us can cure our back pain at home with rest, over-the-counter (OTC) medicines and other simple remedies. For those who suffer from extreme, ongoing pain, doctors may prescribe prescription drugs and more intensive therapy. Surgery also remains an option for those who suffer from severe, ongoing back pain that does not respond to less drastic measures.

Things You'll Need
  • Prescription drugs
  • Heating pads
  • Ice packs
  • Pain medications
Take Steps to Cure Your Back Pain

1. Treat back pain conservatively. Surgery is a last resort to cure even severe, chronic back pain.

2. Avoid taking to your bed to cure back pain. Extended bed rest may make back pain worse, not better. One or 2 days at most is recommended for back pain from sprains or strains.

3. Medicate mild to moderate back pain with over-the-counter drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen.

4. Use heat or cold therapy to cure back pain. Alternating hot and cold dressings can be especially effective for back pain caused by sprains or strains.

5. Stretch your back to improve its condition. Stretching combined with mild exercise can also be helpful in relieving back pain.

6. Use prescription drugs to cure back pain only under the close and continued supervision of your doctor. NSAIDs and muscle relaxants are often prescribed for back pain relief. Doctors may prescribe very short-term use of **** or codeine to ease severe, chronic pain.

7. Consider doctor-supervised cortisone injections to cure back pain caused by pinched nerves or other sources of nerve inflammation.

8. Work with a massage therapist or a physical therapist to get relief from back pain. Therapies may include electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and ultrasound. Therapists will also train you in techniques to reduce flare ups of back pain and to avoid reinjuring your back.

9. Discuss surgery when other options to cure back pain have been exhausted, or when your doctor advises that surgery is needed for structural, nerve or soft tissue damage and/or disease.

Smoothie Recipe for Clear Skin

Smoothie Recipe for Clear Skin

A nutrition-dense diet abundant in fresh, organic, antioxidant-rich vegetables and fruits does more than make you feel good -- it helps you look good too with healthy, glowing skin. The following smoothie recipe includes five taste-pleasing ingredients that provide plenty of skin-healing vitamins, antioxidants and other essential nutrients.

This recipe makes about 30 ounces or two smoothie servings. To experience maximum benefits, it should be consumed immediately, so half the recipe sufficient for one person.

  • Blender
  • Knife
  • Glasses
  • 3 large carrots
  • 1 large cucumber
  • 2 oranges
  • Half a banana
  • Half a can of coconut juice/water (about 5 ounces)
  • A pinch of cinnamon (optional)

Cucumber is very hydrating due to the high water content (up to 95%), and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.

Carrots provide high amounts of vitamins and phytonutrients, such as lutein and lycopene. Studies have shown that lycopene and β-Carotene (a Vitamin A derivate, abundant in carrots) increase the body's defenses against UV damage, therefore protecting the skin against sunburn.

Banana tastes great in a smoothie, but it also contains vitamins and flavonoids, which have antioxidant effects.

Coconut water is a great source of vitamins B and C, which are a powerful antioxidants and promote repairing of the skin. The tropical water also provides cytokinin, a class of phytohormones that have showed significant anti-aging properties.

Oranges add vitamin C. Vitamin C deficiency has been associated with impaired collagen synthesis, and therefore loss of skin elasticity and the formation of wrinkles.

Wash the fruits and vegetables and peel the carrots, oranges and bananas. Cut them into small chunks and combine them in your blender with the coconut water and cinnamon, if desired. Process the smoothie until it reaches your desired consistency, and serve it immediately.

Don't Forget to Chew!
You may be tempted to simply drink your smoothie. However, you should chew it as if you were eating it, or at least swish it around your mouth to let it mix with your saliva before you swallow. Chewing releases an enzyme called ptyalin (a form of amylase) that helps digest carbohydrates and proteins.

Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 7, 2015

How to Write a Treatment Plan for Mental Health

How to Write a Treatment Plan for Mental Health

Therapy is a process in which you treat a client who is dealing with mental health issues. A treatment plan is necessary to pinpoint the exact issues you are treating and the ways in which they will be tackled. It sets specific goals that allow both you and the client to assess progress. It acts as an important road map, providing guidance on the road to the goals and instructions on how to reach them.

Things You'll Need
  • Treatment plan form
  • Therapy planner book (optional)

1. Set treatment goals with the client. These goals should be as specific as possible. For example, if you are treating someone with social anxiety disorder, do not use a general goal like "Reduce anxiety." Come up with specific, measurable goals like "Client will be able to comfortably approach and talk to strangers" and "Client will attend social gatherings rather than staying home due to anxiety."

2. Develop specific steps for each of the goals. You can do this on your own, drawing on your professional expertise, or you can consult a treatment planning book. The steps should be specific actions that the client can take to accomplish each goal.

3. Discuss the steps with the client, making appropriate changes if needed. In client-centered treatment, the steps should take the client's abilities and limitations into consideration. They should allow the client to have small successes that act as the foundation for bigger ones.

4. Create a timeframe for the treatment plan. Along with the client, decide how long each goal should take. You can also put a timeframe on the individual steps if appropriate. Decide how often progress will be assessed. Usually this is done at each counseling session, but that can be variable.

5. Record the plan on a treatment planner form. If you work for a mental health agency, it should have official forms for you to use. If you are in private practice, you can create your own forms based on templates in treatment planner books or based on your own knowledge and experience.

6. Have your client sign the completed treatment plan form. This signifies his buy-in to the plan. Make sure he reads it before signing to make sure he is comfortable with it. Give him an opportunity to ask any questions for clarification before signing.

Self Massaging Techniques

Self Massaging Techniques

Muscle and tissue tenderness and pain often comes from trigger points which are specific areas along a muscle that have high sensitivity. This is caused by excessive neural stimulation to the muscle fibers, which causes them to adhere together, explains physical therapist Gray Cook, author of "Athletic Body in Balance." There are different ways to perform self-massage to alleviate muscle tenderness, although there may be parts of your body that you may not be able to massage by yourself.

Foam Rolling
Self-myofascial release, or SMR, is a type of self-massage technique that applies pressure to the triggers to break the tissue adhesions. Many physical therapists and fitness professionals use the foam roller as a tool for SMR. It is a cylindrical roll that is made out of densely-packed styrofoam between one to three feet long. For most exercises, you lay a body part on top of the roll, such as you thighs, calves or back, and gentle roll along the length of the muscle fibers. When you find a tender spot, massage the area gently until the pain and tenderness goes away, the National Academy of Sports Medicine recommends.

The Stick
Another tool that helps you perform SMR is the massage stick, which is a semi-flexible plastic baton that has a segmented series of rollers that roll individually when you gently rub it over a body part. You can target specific areas more precisely than a foam roller, and the stick is portable. To use it, hold the stick at each end with each hand and rub over the length of the body part, such as your outer thighs and calves. You can adjust the amount of pressure with your hands, and follow the same procedure as you would with the foam roller.

A massage vibrator loosens up tight tissues by applying various degrees of vibration upon the trigger point. It desensitizes the muscle, which loosens some or all of the adhesion. Ohio State University recommends that you apply the vibration directly to the painful spot between 25 to 45 minutes twice a day.

Expert Insight
Physical therapist Chris Frederick, author of "Stretch to Win," recommends that you stretch the area after the self-massage by holding the stretch for at least 30 seconds. This further reduces neural stimulation to the tight tissues and prevents the area from getting worse. Perform each stretch two to three times.

Colors That Help With Depression

Colors That Help With Depression

Every color of the rainbow can affect our mental health, whether consciously or subconsciously. Color affects our body, mind and spirit in both positive and negative ways. This can be demonstrated in a simple experiment of changing into a special outfit in a favorite color as opposed to a drab palette for the same occasion.

Colors Correlate with Emotions
Colors often are correlated with different emotions. Pastels of blue and green are associated with relaxing and thoughts of tranquility, as in nature's settings of blue skies and forests. Yellow, being a more vibrant color, often is used to lift one's spirits as a sunny day does. Purple is used to show wisdom and majestic powers, as in a king's robe. White expresses cleansing and purifying thoughts. While these colors often reveal these moods, other elements can change the emotional impact. Using this general knowledge of colors you can plan the best environment for good mental health--whether it be in a home setting, school, hospital or place of retreat.

Same Colors in Different Settings
Choosing colors for a beach cottage can be a reflection of nature. Hues of blue can help you recall the emotions of blue skies and a day on the lake. Perhaps a splash of yellow can brighten a room, as the sun shines on the water. These same colors used in a hospital setting can bring a calmness to patients who are suffering from depression. Pale blue walls with a picture of that same retreat setting can bring peaceful feelings to mind. Add a fresh plant with bright yellow flowers, and the hospital room is transformed into a place of healing.

Children's Hospitals
In contrast, brighter shades of blue and green in a children's hospital can enhance healing, relaxation and compassion. Even splashes of red bring strength and energy into this place of healing. Some hospital settings have playrooms transformed into a jungle, zoo or an undersea environment.

Colors Enhance Experiences
All experiences are enhanced by color, whether positively or negatively. Altering a person's environment with a different color can change their outlook on their circumstances dramatically. Moving from a gray, drab basement to a sunlit room painted in pastels can help transform a depressed mind to one filled with hope and possibilities.

How to Prevent Cancer Naturally

How to Prevent Cancer Naturally

Cancer in all its forms is one of the most deadly, but least understood diseases. It's estimated that genetic predispositions account for about 15 percent of a person's likelihood of contracting the disease. That means about 85 percent of cancers are linked to lifestyle choices and environmental conditions. With a single cure for cancer proving elusive, many are turning to prevention as the best remedy. Preventing cancer through natural methods involves consuming substances that can help the body stop cancer from forming, avoiding carcinogens and promoting all around health.


1. Have a glass of wine. Studies published in the journal "Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology" have shown a glass of red wine a day might reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men by half. Additional research on animals published in the "Journal of Biological Chemistry" suggests the phytochemicals in red wine can have beneficial effects on prevention and treatment of leukemia, skin and breast cancers (see resources below). This is because the skin and seeds of grapes contain a polyphenol compound called resveratrol that has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Antioxidants prevent and repair the damage to cells that can make them susceptible to irregular growths, which can become cancer. Red wine is made from the skin of grapes, which contains resveratrol, and has more polyphenols than white wine.

2. Eat antioxidant-rich fruits and drink green tea. In addition to grapes, several other berries contain high levels of polyphenol compounds that have been shown to prevent cancer. At the top of the list is the acai berry, a fruit native to South America. Also high in cancer-fighting chemicals are blueberries and raspberries. Fresh fruits, nuts and vegetables generally contain antioxidant compounds, like bioflavonoids, not present in most processed foods. Green tea, when freshly brewed, is also an excellent source of antioxidants.

3. Indulge in dark chocolate. Rich in antioxidant flavonoids, dark chocolate enjoyed a renaissance when the cancer-fighting properties of these compounds were heralded. A specific flavonoid, called pentamer, is present in cocoa, and has been shown to suppress division of tumor cells by deactivating certain related proteins. It's debated whether eating chocolate can deliver these flavonoids in sufficient quantities to prevent cancer, but dark chocolate, which has the highest content of cocoa, is the best source.

4. Supplement with selenium. Whereas antioxidants work to minimize and repair the damage of free radicals on individual cells, the mineral selenium has been shown to reduce the production of free radicals. The recommended dose of selenium is 200 micrograms a day, but most Americans get between 60 and 100 micrograms from dietary sources. Selenium intake can be increased through supplements or increasing your consumption of mushrooms, egg yolks, seafood, poultry, kidney, liver, red meat, garlic, onions, broccoli, asparagus, tomatoes, whole grains, and seeds--all of which contain the mineral in relative abundance.

5. Get enough exercise. Just 30 minutes of walking five times per week is enough exercise to help prevent cancer. Research shows that exercise helps the body regulate blood sugar, insulin levels, and the production of sex hormones, all of which have been indicated as risk factors related to increased rates of cell growth that can lead to the initiation of cancer. Regular exercise also promotes a healthy immune system, and is highly recommended for those already diagnosed with cancer.

6. Avoid risk factors. Unfortunately, avoiding environmental toxins can be one of the hardest parts of preventing cancer. Exposure to toxic chemicals can come through obvious interaction with pollution or waste, or through more subtle means like cosmetics, hair dyes, shampoos and deodorants. Other risk factors for cancer include prolonged hormone therapy, prescription drugs, alcohol, tobacco and diets high in animal fats.

Free Mental Health Assessment Tools

Free Mental Health Assessment Tools

Health assessments are something with which most individuals are familiar. A doctor or nurse asks a series of questions concerning current and past health, as well as certain genetic health conditions of immediate family members. In mental health, similar screening tools are used frequently to help determine what, if any, conditions a patient might be suffering. These assessment tools include questionnaires, patient and family histories, written tests and other tools. Free assessment tools vary, both in scope and complexity, but are generally intended only to illustrate the possible need for further evaluation.

Making Tools Available
Universities, mental health organizations, doctors and pharmaceutical companies have helped standardize assessment tools and refine diagnostic questionnaires. As a result of standardization, many organizations have made less complicated tools available to doctors and the public. The number of websites and publications offering free mental health assessment tools continues to grow every year. Some are designed for use in clinical settings, by professionals other than doctors, such as intake workers, nurses and counselors. Other tools are designed for use by the general public to help determine if and when an individual should seek further assistance from a medical professional.

What Assessments Determine
Every assessment tool is different. Many mental health care providers offer free online assessments for common conditions, such as substance abuse, depression or anxiety. Pharmaceutical companies, such as Pfizer, offer online versions of commonly used general screening tools to help determine the signs of a variety of mental health conditions. For example, the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) is a self-completed assessment tool with multiple parts. Each part is used to help identify different disorders or conditions, such as eating and mood disorders. With most assessment tools, the patient is asked a series of questions in a yes or no or multiple choice format. Results indicate when further testing or evaluation is warranted.

Self-Help Assessment Tools
Most easily available, free mental health assessments are intended purely for informational purposes or to help individuals see when the help of a trained professional is warranted. For example, short questionnaires for initial identification of depression are common. Likewise, there are dozens of assessment questionnaires designed to identify substance abuse and eating disorders. In short, these assessments give a patient little more than yes or no results; yes, the patient should seek medical help, or no, the patient does not meet initial criteria.

Professional Assessment Tools
Medical professionals use numerous standardized assessment and evaluation tools to diagnose mental health conditions. As information technology advances, many such tools are now available freely online, accessible by professionals and the public. Typically, these assessments are more in-depth and complex in terms of questions and test modules. Unlike self-help assessments, these tools do not immediately illustrate a simple yes or no answer. Instead, most professional-grade assessments require analysis by a trained professional to determine what the answers mean.

Prostate Massage Technique

Prostate Massage Technique

The prostate is the gland surrounding the neck of the male bladder and urethra. Enlargement of the prostate is common after middle age and may interfere with the ability to urinate. However, the prostate gland can be manually stimulated and massaged via the anus as it is located near the anterior portion of the rectum. Massaging the prostate gland and surrounding tissues will increase blood flow to the area. This amplification in circulation relaxes and shrinks the enlarged gland, reducing the blockage and aiding in the return of normal bodily functions.

Prostate massage is generally given digitally, so clean hands and short fingernails are a must. Surgical gloves are highly recommended as is the liberal application of lubricant to the area. Instruct the affected individual to use the restroom, if he is able, prior to beginning the procedure and then to wash the anus with soap and water. Once he has washed, have him lie on his stomach on a comfortable surface.

Instruct the affected individual to take a deep breath and relax. As he inhales, insert the lubricated, gloved finger into the anus and move slowly toward the navel. The prostate will feel like a large knot of tissue beneath your finger. Once the prostate has been located, move your finger gently over the gland in a slow, circular manner. Apply as much pressure as you can without causing the affected individual any discomfort. Men will react to a prostate massage in a variety of ways such as feeling a sudden urge to urinate or by becoming sexually aroused. Continue the massage for 10 to 15 minutes or until requested to stop. Make a mental note of the size of the prostate gland and repeat the procedure once a week until urination flow returns to normal.

Be sure to massage as gently as possible as overly enthusiastic friction can lead to an increase of infection through the unintentional spread of bacteria that occur naturally within the colon. Additionally, regular sessions of prostate massage could lead to an increase in hemorrhoids and could complicate conditions such as chronic prostatitis that require stronger treatment. A painful prostate suggests a serious medical condition and should be evaluated by a health care professional.