Thứ Bảy, 16 tháng 1, 2016

Home Remedies for Osteoporosis

Home Remedies for Osteoporosis

Some of the most effective home remedies for osteoporosis include the use of beans, vinegar, spinach, milk, pineapple juice, salmon, tofu, red clover, black cohosh, yogurt, and calcium supplements, as well as behavioral modifications, including quitting smoking, cutting back on alcohol, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising, and reducing protein intake.

As we get older, there are a few things that we simply learn to “accept” as a part of aging, and there is one condition that seems to plague more people than any other. While cognitive decline and arthritis are also major issues for elderly individuals, osteoporosis, where the bones of the body begin to weaken, affects tens of millions of people around the world. Osteoporosis comes from the Greek word meaning “porous bones”, which is precisely what happens when you suffer from this condition. Your calcium levels drop and your bone density and strength decline. This makes breaking a bone much easier, and when combined with unsteadiness and chronic inflammation of elderly people, falls become a major health concern.

Over 70% of people over 80 suffer from some form of osteoporosis, and the rates of broken hips, forearms, and backs increase dramatically in older populations. These can be crippling accidents, and often signal the “beginning” of osteoporosis. The areas where bones have been broken often remain significantly weakened, and sufferers may also experience chronic pain. This can lead to reduced mobility, pharmaceutical dependency, and increased weakness. This creates a vicious cycle for sufferers, making it difficult to “recover”. Prevention is what gets significant attention when it comes to osteoporosis, which includes a healthy lifestyle and a regulated diet. If you suffer from osteoporosis, there are medications that can help increase bone strength and treat chronic pain, but keeping your bones strong and unbroken through home remedies is a very popular option in adults and more elderly populations. Let’s take a closer look at some of the home remedies for osteoporosis.

Home Remedies for Osteoporosis
Vinegar: One of the best ways to ensure that your bones stay strong is to increase your mineral intake, particularly calcium. This essential components of our bones must be continually replenished, particularly as we age, and vinegar has been linked to increasing calcium levels. It is believed that vinegar helps to increase the efficiency of calcium uptake from the other foods we eat, so be sure to pour some on your next salad!

Tofu: Soy is one of the most interesting new frontiers in the treatment of osteoporosis, namely due to its high content of phytoestrogens. These compounds resemble estrogens needed for women to maintain normal hormonal balance, and may also help increase bone density in women. Women are at significantly greater risk of osteoporosis than men, so this is an important new area of research.

Stop Smoking: Behavioral alterations like quitting smoking are also important. Smoking floods the body with carcinogens and increases likelihood of chronic diseases. It also can speed up the arrival of menopause in women, which often marks a significant increase in the risk of osteoporosis. By quitting smoking, you can delay menopause and hold back the onset of osteoporosis symptoms.

Don’t Lose Too Much Weight: Obesity has long been associated with a high risk of other diseases, but there is nothing wrong with having a bit of extra fat on your body, as long as its not excessive. Extremely thin people, particularly those who have suffered from eating disorders in the past, have a much higher risk of premature bone degradation, so maintain a healthy weight in a healthy way to keep your bones strong!

Red Clover: Similar to soy products, red clover is a powerful herb that also has certain estrogen-like effects. This can effectively prevent osteoporosis, but these compounds are also volatile and not fully understood, so it is important not to combine prescribed medicine with herbal remedies unless you speak with your doctor.

Salmon: Quite simply, this delicious variety of fish is particularly rich in calcium and vitamin D, as well as beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, so if you want to keep osteoporosis and other chronic conditions at bay, add salmon to your diet whenever possible!

Exercise Regularly: If you remain active, you will maintain muscle strength, which helps to boost bone strength and significantly lowers your risk of falling or accidentally breaking a bone. Remaining active will also keep energy levels up and prevent the onset of other age-related disorders.

Cut Back on Alcohol: Alcohol can actually improve calcium intake when consumed in moderation, but there is a clear line, and once your consumption is excessive, it has a sharp negative impact on bone strength and overall health, while also making you less steady on your feet and more likely to fall and possibly break something.

Spinach: One of the richest sources of calcium in the vegetable world, add a fresh spinach salad to your weekly health regimen (at least one!) and ensure a constant stream of bone-strengthening minerals to your system.

Milk: Arguably the most famous substance to help “build strong bones”, the calcium found in milk is a wonderful way to work a daily bone-boost into your diet and health regimen. A single glass of milk can represent one-quarter of the recommended daily amount!

Black Cohosh: Although research is still in its early stages, this herb has similar phytoestrogen compounds to soy, making it potentially beneficial for women who want to reduce their chances of developing osteoporosis as they age and experience menopause.

Pineapple Juice: One of the newest findings concerning osteoporosis has to do with manganese deficiency, so ensuring a high level of that mineral can seriously help fend off bone degradation. Freshly squeezed pineapple juice is a rich source of manganese – and a tasty one!

Lower Protein Intake: Research has suggested that human beings actually consume more protein than is necessary for a healthy life, and the excretion of protein often includes excreting calcium, which compounds the problems of osteoporosis. Speaking to a nutritionist about your protein intake can be a wise way to optimize your diet!

Calcium Supplements: You can find calcium supplements at almost every health food store and pharmacy. This is the most direct way to ensure a healthy calcium intake and prevent osteoporosis, or at least delay its onset.

A Final Word of Warning: Excessive consumption of calcium to prevent osteoporosis can cause other problems, like calcium deposition that leads to gout, gall stones etc. Be sure that you speak to a trained medical professional as you age to discuss your diet and lifestyle, and before adding any major home remedies for osteoporosis!

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