Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 1, 2016

15 Best Food For 6-Pack Abs

15 Best Food For 6-Pack Abs

You hit the gym religiously, go through countless reps of sit-ups and stability exercises and log tons of time on the treadmill—but still nothing. Nada! Not an ab in sight. Not even a one-pack. It’s disheartening, we know.

The saying “abs are made in the kitchen” is cliché by now, but its foundation is still true. It doesn't matter how strong your core is, no one will be able to see your abs if you don’t do something about the pesky layer of lard that's sitting on top of it. To beat the belly bulge, you’ll not only have ditch the junk food, you’ll also have to incorporate fare into your diet that boosts metabolism, torches belly fat, wards off future weight gain and banishes bloat. Down them all to trim inches from your waistline and make your abs pop—courtesy of this Eat This, Not That! special report.

Even if you eat well and exercise, constantly pulling your hair out can prevent your abs from showing. When we stress out, the body starts pumping out the hormone cortisol, which encourages the body to store cholesterol-raising fat around the midsection. The good news is that vitamin C-rich foods like peppers, broccoli and Brussels sprouts can help keep you trim. How does eating the produce squash stress? According to German researchers, the nutrient can lower levels of cortisol during stressful situations, helping those abs take center stage.

This breakfast favorite contains a nutrient called choline that boosts metabolism and may help turn off the genes responsible for belly fat storage. Research has also revealed that eating eggs for breakfast instead of a high-carb dish like a bagel can make it easier to lose weight—likely due to egg’s satiety value. Make hard-boiled eggs or whip up a batch of mini frittatas so you can reap the nutrient-packed, ab-shredding benefits on the go.

A bloated belly can make even the most toned stomach look a bit paunchy. Fight back against the gas and water retention with bananas. One study found that women who ate a banana twice daily as a pre-meal snack for 60 days reduced their belly-bloat by 50 percent! Not only does the fruit increase bloat-fighting bacteria in the stomach, it’s also a good source of potassium, which can help diminish water retention. Once you’ve kicked the bloat to the curb, you can hit the beach with confidence and show off that hard-earned body!

Help your six-pack show its full potential with a daily serving of milk and vitamin D-fortified yogurt. A 2013 Nutrition Journal study found consuming a combination of calcium and vitamin D can significantly decrease visceral (abdominal) fat and lipid absorption in overweight populations. To come to this finding, study participants were divided into two groups: The control group was fed a 500-calorie restricted diet without vitamin supplementation. In addition to having 500-calories cut from their diet, the second group was given a 600 mg calcium supplement and a 25 IU vitamin D supplement. At the end of the 12-week experiment, the group who had taken the supplements had lost 2.6 percent of their body fat and 1.1 pounds of visceral fat while the control group only experienced a 1.5 percent decrease in overall body fat and a loss of 0.4 pounds of belly fat.

Sipping green tea can make your time spent at the gym more worthwhile. A recent 12-week study found that those who sip 4 to 5 cups of green tea each day and log 25-minutes at the gym lose more belly fat than their non-tea-drinking counterparts who also broke a sweat. What makes the drink such a powerful ab-chiseler? This brew contains catechins, an antioxidant that hinders the storage of belly fat. Not a fan of tea? Munch on fresh pears instead. The fruit is another good source of the antioxidant. Green isn't the only slimming tea on the block, though. Stock your cabinet with these 4 Teas That Melt Fat Fast foreasy slim-down success.

Double-team your belly bulge by eating lean cuts of turkey and chicken every day. Research has found that eating protein not only boosts satiety and helps people eat less at subsequent meals, it also has a high thermogenic effect compared to fats and carbs. Translation: Your body actually burns off a fair percentage the meat’s calories as it digests. Protein can also boost post-meal calorie burn by as much as 35 percent! For the best flab-frying results, experts suggest consuming 0.8 to one gram of protein per kilogram of bodyweight each day.

You know brown is better, but do you know why? It’s because whole wheat contains three parts of the grain, all nutrient rich and fiber-filling. Also try varieties with lentils, chickpeas, black beans or quinoa.

Besides serving up a third of the day’s fiber, a one-cup serving of this highly nutritious, naturally sweet veggie contains 30 percent of your daily vitamin C needs. The body uses the nutrient to form muscle and blood vessels, and it can even boost the ab uncovering effects of exercise, according to Arizona State University researchers.

Lentils, chickpeas, peas and beans — they're all magic bullets for revealing abs. In one four-week Spanish study, researchers found that eating a calorie-restricted diet that includes four weekly servings of legumes aids weight loss more effectively than an equivalent diet that doesn’t include them. Those who consumed the legume-rich diet also saw improvements in their “bad” LDL cholesterol levels and systolic blood pressure. To reap the benefits at home, work them into your diet throughout the week. Salad is an easy way. Toss them up with more of the Best Salad Ingredients for Weight Loss!

If you’re going for abs, you're already sending the restaurant bread basket back. But don’t shirk from whole-wheat bread completely. As with whole-wheat pasta, you’re getting all three parts of the grain, with fiber to increase satiety and prevent overeating. Just be careful—most breads in the sandwich aisle are filled with high fructose corn syrup or a blend of whole and enriched wheats. It’s worth splurging on the pricier stuff, often found in the freezer section.

The simple bean is actually an advanced fat-burning, muscle-building machine. “Beans are a great source of protein that includes fiber,” says Leah Kaufman, a New York City based registered dietitian. “That’s going to ensure your blood sugar doesn’t spike and will give you energy to build the muscle you want.” One cup of black beans has 12 grams of protein and 9 grams of fiber; they’re also rich in folate, a B vitamin that stokes muscle growth, and copper, which strengthens tendons. On top of that, a Spanish study showed that consuming four weekly servings of beans or legumes accelerates weight loss.

Yes, oats are loaded with carbs, but the release of those sugars is slowed by fiber, and because oats also have 10 grams of protein per half-cup serving, they deliver steady, ab-muscle-friendly energy. And that fiber is soluble, which lowers the risk of heart disease. The éminence grise of health food, oats garnered the FDA's first seal of approval.

Quinoa is higher in protein than any other grain, and it packs a hefty dose of heart-healthy, unsaturated fats. "Quinoa is also a great source of fiber and B vitamins," says Christopher Mohr, Ph.D., R.D. a professor of nutrition at the University of Louisville. Try quinoa in the morning. It has twice the protein of most cereals, and fewer carbs.

Quinoa, make some space at the table—there’s a new ancient grain on the block. Kamut is a grain native to the Middle East. Rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, it’s also high in protein while low in calories. A half-cup serving has 30% more protein than regular wheat (six grams), with only 140 calories. Eating kamut reduces cholesterol, blood sugar and cytokines, which cause inflammation throughout the body, a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found. Toss it into salads or eat it as a side dish on its own.

Want to know the secret to staying slim? You need more muscle. That’s because muscle burns more calories than fat, so for every new muscle fiber you create, your resting metabolism receives another surge of fat-torching energy. And chocolate milk can help you do that. Researchers have determined that the ideal protein load for building muscle is 10 to 20 grams, half before and half after your workout. How much protein will you find in low-fat chocolate milk? Eight grams per cup. (That means one serving before your workout and one serving after will give you a total of 16 grams of highly effective whey protein—a perfect serving.) Add that to the extra cup you drank first thing in the morning and you’re looking at a turbocharged metabolism that keeps you burning calories all day long.

10 Supplements You Didn't Know Could Burn Fat

10 Supplements You Didn't Know Could Burn Fat

We all know one of the biggest reasons guys make their daily trek to the gym: Burning off (and keeping off) the little layer of fat that hides your hard-earned gains. But if you want to really make sure those few pounds of fat are gone for good, consider some help from supplements.

Supplements work through a number of mechanisms to help your body burn more fat. To maximize their effectiveness, combine ingredients that work in tandem to enhance both fat release and elimination. Here, we break down the most popular fat-burning ingredients by their mode of action. Find out here which ingredients to look for in a commercial fat burner, or build your own synergistic stack.

1. Caffeine
When you think of this popular stimulant, you'll likely think of the buzz you get and how it ramps up calorie burning. While caffeine does torch calories, its main benefit is that it binds to the receptors on your fat cells.

This is particularly effective when caffeine is taken before workouts, as several studies have confirmed. Take 200–400 milligrams of caffeine between meals two to three times per day; take one dosage 30–60 minutes prior to training-day workouts.

2. Yohimbe
Yohimbine is extracted from the bark of the yohimbe tree in Central and West Africa. In addition to boosting libido, yohimbine aids fat loss by increasing the amount of fat that gets released from your fat cells, much like caffeine does. A dose of yohimbe contains 5-20 milligrams; take this two to three times per day. One dosage should be consumed 30-60 minutes prior to training-day workouts.

3. Greentea Extract
Green tea extract is a real no-brainer. It aids fat loss by boosting the number of calories you burn each day. The active ingredients in green tea that are responsible for the fat-burning effect are catechins, particularly one known as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Take about 500–1,000 milligrams of green tea extract (standardized as EGCG) two to three times per day. Take one of those dosages 30–60 minutes prior to training-day workouts.

4. Synephrine
This is one of the active ingredients in the bitter orange plant (Citrus aurantium). Synephrine works by boosting the metabolic rate (the number of calories you burn). Take about 5–20 milligrams of synephrine two to three times per day, having one of those doses 30–60 minutes prior to workouts.

5. Capsaicin
Commonly found in chili peppers, this natural plant chemical increases the amount of calories your body burns, thanks to its ability to raise epinephrine levels. A study from the University of Oklahoma found that subjects who took a supplement that contained both capsaicin and caffeine burned more calories both during exercise and afterward.

Look for capsaicin or cayenne pepper supplements that list Scoville Heat Units (SHU), and take about 40,000–80,000 units. Take the supp 30 minutes before meals two to three times per day. One of those doses should be taken 30–60 minutes prior to workouts.

6. Olea Europaea Extract
This is the scientific name for olive leaf extract, and one of its most important ingredients is a chemical known as oleuropian. Oleuropian is not only a powerful immune-boosting antioxidant, but also proven to boost norepinephrine levels—raising the amount of calories and fat burned. Take about 500 -1,000 milligrams of olive leaf extract two to three times per day with meals.

7. Carnitine
This amino acid-like molecule is a critical component of the complex transportation system that brings fat into your cells' mitochondria, where it gets burned up and transformed into energy. Several studies confirm that supplementing with carnitine increases the amount of fat burned by the body. Take 1-3 grams of carnitine in the form of L-carnitine, L-carnitine L-tartrate, or acetyl-L-carnitine, two to three times per day with meals, allotting one dose for your pre-workout meal and another for your post-workout meal.

8. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)
CLA is a naturally occuring group of healthy fats, specifically omega-6 fats. Numerous research studies confirm that CLA enhances fat loss while simultaneously boosting muscle growth and strength. Take 1-3 grams of CLA with breakfast, lunch, and your last meal or shake at night.

9. Fucoxanthin
This difficult-to-pronounce chemical gives brown seaweed its brownish, olive-green color. When taken as a supplement, this carotenoid turns on genes that increase the number of calories burned. It also turns off genes that increase fat-cell growth. Research in humans and animals shows that this increase in calorie burn and subsequent inhibition of fat-cell growth leads to significant fat loss over time. Take about 200 milligrams two to three times a day.

10. Fish Oil
This source of essential omega-3 fats provides both eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These omega-3 fats have been found to turn on genes that increase fat burning while turning off genes that decrease fat storage. Take 2-3 grams two to three times per day with meals.

The 7 Best Barbell Exercises For A Strong Core

The 7 Best Barbell Exercises For A Strong Core

Attack Your Core
It’s true that "abs are built in the kitchen." But as with any muscle, abs are built in the gym, too. You still have to blast them with intense exercises to create the stimulus for growth and definition. Yet the common ab exercises guys use to target their core— situps, stability ball crunches, etc.—leave much to be desired.

By using a barbell, however, you’ll be able to easily add resistance to each core exercise and intensify your training for more hypertrophy. Also, because you’re moving a weight with your arms while keeping your torso stable, you’ll attack your core from a variety of angles that are impossible with traditional core exercises.

Add any of these seven best barbell core exercises to your workout and take your ab routine to the next level. Don’t be surprised if you’re painfully sore the next day.

Landmine Rainbow
The landmine lets you use a barbell as a lever to unlock a different array of exercises as the weight twists and turns. With a landmine rainbow, you attack your core by moving your arms in an arc while keeping your spine and ribcage stable.

How to do it:
Place one end of a barbell in a landmine. At the other end, stand facing the landmine, grab the other end with your arms extended, and start with the barbell end about eye-level. Twist the barbell to one side without turning your hips or shoulders and keeping your arms as straight as possible. Alternate sides. To make it harder, add weight by sliding small plates on the end.

If you don’t have a landmine, just place a folded-up towel in the corner of a wall and wedge one end of a barbell there.

Barbell Rollout
With rollout exercise, the farther you extend, the more you strengthen your abs. Using a barbell lets you descend close to the ground and even adds resistances as you roll back up. It’s also harder than an ab wheel because you have to control a wider weight.

How to do it:
Get on your knees and grab a barbell with 45-lb. plates. Push your hips forward, keep your arms straight, and go as low as you can without letting your ribcage flare out—keep your hips straight and squeeze your glutes the entire time. To make it harder, use shorter plates or heavier plates.

Barbel Side Bend
Target your obliques with side bends. By using a barbell instead of dumbbells, you’ll spike the intensity on your sides because there’s more weight and the level arm is longer—it’s harder to move a seven-foot long bar than dumbbells held at your sides.

How to do it:
Hold a barbell behind your neck like on a back squat. Stand with legs about hip-width apart and bend your torso to the side, trying to get the barbell almost vertical. Alternate sides.

Barbell Straight-Leg Situp
This isn’t your old-fashioned situp that shortens your hip flexors and rolls your shoulders forward. With a barbell straight-leg situp, you need to rise by keeping your torso rigid and neutral.

How to do it:
Lie on your back with your legs straight, holding a barbell overhead with your hands about shoulder-width apart. Keep your arms straight, keep your chest out, and lift your torso until you’re sitting straight up. Keep your legs extended throughout and do not let your back round forward.

Zercher Squat
No squat variation blasts your core like a Zercher squat. (Don’t be surprised if you feel it there more than in your legs.) Because you’re holding the weight right in front of your body, your core will work like crazy as you stay tall and avoid collapsing forward.

How to do it:
Start with a barbell in the crook of your elbows, with your hands held together in front of your chest. Stand shoulder-width apart with your toes slightly out. Squat down by sitting back, spreading your knees, and keeping your weight on your heels. Once your hips are below parallel, drive through your heels and rise. Keep your lower back flat and your shoulder blades squeezed together throughout.

Barbell Overhead Carry
Weight carries are a must-have exercise in any strength program. They build bulletproof conditioning as well as phenomenal core strength and endurance. The overhead carry amplifies the intensity on your abdominals and obliques because they have to fight to control a higher center-of-gravity.

How to do it:
Hold a barbell overhead with your hands much wider than shoulder-width apart and your elbows locked. Don’t let your ribcage flare out and don’t let your lower-back arch excessively. If you get tired, slowly lower the weight onto your traps. To safely move the weight overhead, do a push press.

Single Arm-Landmine press
Overhead presses are an underrated exercise that carves your abdominals. When the weight is fully extended overhead, your core must brace hard to stabilize your entire torso and connect your upper body to the ground. By pushing with one arm, however, you’ll spike the stability challenge to get more core work.

How to do it:
Place one end of a barbell in a landmine. At the other end, stand facing the landmine, grab the other end with one arm and hold it near the same shoulder. Drive the barbell overhead without twisting. Finish all your reps on one side and alternate. To make it harder, add weight by sliding small plates on the end.

If you don’t have a landmine, just place a folded-up towel in the corner of a wall and wedge one end of a barbell there.

21 Day Detox Diet Menu

21 Day Detox Diet Menu

A 21-day detox diet usually is used for weight loss, but is also cleanses your system of toxins. The 21-day detox diet menu plan that can be combined with other herbal detox products. However, before you begin any diet, consult a doctor to make sure this diet is correct for you and safe.

Start your day with a healthy breakfast. When on the 21-day diet you can have a bowl of cereal of your choice. The recommended type of cereal is one with fruit and fiber and whole grains and oats. Use 1 percent skim milk or fat free milk. Also, drink one glass of water. You also may have a cup of coffee.

Eat snacks to curb your appetite during a long day and help you to feel full between breakfast and lunch. Instead of eating a doughnut or a muffin or other snacks that are full of sugar, choose a slice of wheat or whole grain bread with low-fat peanut butter. Peanut butter is a nutritious snack because it contains fairly high quantities of dietary fiber which helps in regulating both blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Your mid-morning snack should also include an orange and two cups of water to help keep you full.

Have a hamburger made with lean ground beef on a toasted whole wheat or whole grain bread and a slice of low fat cheese of your choice for lunch. Add a cup of turkey and rice flavored healthy soup that’s low in sodium. Drink an additional 16 ounces of water.

Afternoon Snack
Eat one large Fuji apple for an afternoon snack and drink 8 ounces of water. Eat an afternoon snack to help keep you full before dinner. Eating an afternoon snack can help prevent you from getting too hungry during dinner.

For dinner, your meal includes tomato herb chicken with steamed cabbage and broccoli and 8 ounces of water. The ingredients that you’ll need are1/4 cup of fat free chicken broth, one small chopped onion, two minced garlic cloves, an 8 ounce can of tomato sauce, 1/2 a cup of light corn syrup, 1/4 cup of red wine vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon of dried oregano, 1/2 teaspoon of dried basil, 1/4 teaspoon of white pepper and four boneless and skinless chicken breasts. This recipe feeds four people. Heat the broth over medium heat in a large, nonstick skillet and saute the onion and garlic for about two minutes. Add the rest of the ingredients except for the chicken and bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce the heat and stir occasionally. Add the chicken and let it simmer until it is cooked. You can have dessert totaling 130 calories such as a light, low-fat pastry.

11 surprising ways to prevent a heart attack

11 surprising ways to prevent a heart attack

Chances are you’re still riding the New Year’s high and you’re motivated and committed to eating healthy and getting to the gym. Sure, it’s a good start for your waistline but there are other things that you probably never thought of that will also prevent a heart attack or stroke. Try these.

1. Take probiotics.
There’s more evidence than ever that the gut microbiome, or the collection of billions of bacteria in the GI tract, is necessary for digestion, strengthens immunity and regulates inflammation. Yet when the bacteria are imbalanced, it can lead to problems like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and may even lead to heart attack and stroke.

The good news is that taking probiotics daily and maintaining a healthy diet can help. In fact, a study in the International Journal of Cardiology found when patients with congestive heart failure took saccharomyces boulardii, a type of probiotic, their conditions improved.

You can also ask your doctor about the TMAO blood test, which measures how healthy your GI tract is and determine your level of TMAO, a chemical in the gut that directly damages the arteries and the heart, said Dr. Joel Kahn, a clinical professor of medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit, Mich. and author of  “The Whole Heart Solution.”

2. Get help for sleep apnea.
Obstructive sleep apnea, which affects more than 18 million people, significantly increases your risk for high blood pressure, especially at night. What’s more, people with sleep apnea may also have resistant hypertension, or high blood pressure that doesn’t respond to treatment and significantly increases the risk for heart disease and stroke, said Dr. Peter Jones, an associate professor at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Tex. and chief science officer of the National Lipid Association. Sleep apnea can also increase your risk for atrial fibrillation, which can lead to blood clots and stroke.

If you suspect you have sleep apnea or your partner complains about your snoring, talk to your doctor about having a sleep study, which you may be able to do at home, as well as treatment options.

3. Make a dentist appointment.
You already know that brushing, flossing and dental cleanings every six months is one of the best ways to prevent periodontal or gum disease, but it can also prevent heart disease.

Just like your gut, your mouth has bacteria that is either beneficial or bad for the blood vessels and the heart. So in addition to preventive care, ask your doctor about an oral DNA test which can tell you how much of each type of bacteria you have and help him customize a treatment plan for you, Kahn said.

4. Question cholesterol tests.
A standard lipid panel looks at total cholesterol, “good” HDL cholesterol and “bad” LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. Yet if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, are overweight or obese, have a poor diet, are sedentary and have a family history of heart disease, your doctor should also look at the LDL particle count and apolipoprotein B (apoB).

“Those are both better measures of your true risk related to bad cholesterol,” Jones said.

Plus, your doctor may also do a blood test to look at your C-reactive protein (CRP) level, a sign of inflammation.

5. Lose belly fat.
You might think your beer belly is just a sign of getting older, but excess belly fat can increase your risk for heart disease and death. In fact, a recent study in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine found that people with a large waist-to-hip ratio were more likely to die prematurely even if they had a normal BMI.

6. Check your homocysteine level.
If you’re deficient in vitamins B6, B12 or folic acid, you can have high levels of homocysteine, an important amino acid in the blood, which can increase your risk for cardiovascular disease and artery damage, Kahn said. Plus, a common genetic defect known as MTHFR can affect your homocysteine levels too.

The good news is that if your blood homocysteine levels are elevated or you have MTHFR, a B complex supplement is all that’s needed.

7. Make meals tasty.
A study in The BMJ found that eating a spicy meal once a week significantly reduced the risk from dying of heart disease. So experiment with cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, parsley, rosemary and thyme in your meals.

8. Look on the bright side.
Seeing the glass half-empty has a wealth of benefits and heart health is no exception. In fact, a study out of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign found that optimistic people have better cardiovascular health than pessimists.

9. Get help for anxiety and depression.
Studies show that both anxiety and depression not only lead to cardiovascular disease but in patients who already have cardiovascular disease, it can cause recurrent cardiovascular events and death. If you struggle with either, it’s important to talk to your doctor and get treatment and find ways to keep stress at bay.

10. Stand up.
Studies show that more time spent sitting leads to coronary artery calcification and damage to the arteries. Exercise during commercials, take frequent breaks from your computer or consider a treadmill desk.

11. Sleep.
Getting enough sleep lowers adrenaline and cortisol levels and heart disease risk. But more isn’t always better. Aim for seven hours a night, which studies suggest is the magic number.

6 Genius Tricks for Sleeping Better

6 Genius Tricks for Sleeping Better

Tossing. Turning. Watching Chuck Norris fitness-apparatus commercials. No one likes insomnia. So we rounded up our favorite little tips for trying to get some quality shut-eye.

The natural oil (not the toasted cooking kind) is known to relieve anxiety and promote restful sleep. So give your tootsies a quick massage, slip on some cozy socks and get in the mood.

The two contain tryptophan and melatonin (natural snooze boosters), respectively. Opt for food with calming effects (not that half-eaten Hershey’s bar and leftover Thai takeout, which have adverse, stimulating effects).

Got a snoring problem? Fire up the vaporizer. (Or make a garlic steam treatment on the stove.) The moistened air can curb seasonal allergies or ward off other congestion troubles that are causing you to mouth-breathe--and not get any real rest.

When it comes to hours of sleep, more does not always equal better. Work backward from the time you need to wake up, and then calculate your REM cycles with a bedtime generator. It’ll tell you when you should really fall asleep to reduce grogginess the next day.

So, you want to start said REM cycles…right now? Calm your mind by imagining your childhood home. Walk in and out of each room, reminisce about the artwork and furniture. And voilà: You won’t even realize you conked out.

If childhood houses aren’t your cup of tea, get to know the “4-7-8” method. What you do: Exhale completely through your mouth; then close your mouth and inhale through your nose for a count of four. Hold your breath for seven counts and exhale again for eight counts. Repeat as needed. It’ll up your oxygen levels, slow your heart rate and signal your body that it’s time to hibernate.

Thứ Bảy, 23 tháng 1, 2016

How to Use Aloe Vera for Weight Loss

How to Use Aloe Vera for Weight Loss

Taking an aloe vera gel complex for eight weeks may help with weight loss in people who are obese or pre-diabetic, according to a study published in Nutrition in September 2013. The Center for Science in the Public Interest doesn't recommend internal use of aloe, however, because of the potential for serious adverse effects. Speak with your doctor before using any aloe vera product internally.

Potential Risks
Consuming aloe vera gel is safer than consuming aloe vera latex, but not all products specify which parts of the aloe plant are included. Aloe latex can cause vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, blood in the urine, kidney problems, muscle weakness, low potassium and heart disturbances. Aloe may lower blood sugar levels and can make intestinal conditions or hemorrhoids worse. It can interact with medications, including blood thinners, laxatives, diuretics and diabetes medications. Taking aloe internally may also increase your risk for hepatitis and cancer, according to the American Cancer Society.

A Healthier Alternative
Make diet and lifestyle changes in a healthier way to lose weight. Increase your physical activity levels and eat fewer calories. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign recommends filling up on vegetables, fruits, lean protein and whole grains and limiting the amount of refined grains, desserts, fatty foods and sweets you eat so that you get all the nutrients you need while consuming fewer calories. You need to create a deficit of 500 to 1,000 calories per day to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week, which is a healthy rate of weight loss.