Chủ Nhật, 10 tháng 1, 2016

How to Get Rid of Candida in the Stomach

How to Get Rid of Candida in the Stomach

Candida albicans is a type of yeast that lives in the body. In small amounts, it is harmless. However, there are several factors that can encourage candida to flourish, including an excess of refined sugar, or a weakened immune system due to diseases such as cancer. Your body will normally keep candida in check, using healthy bacteria to kill it, however if your body is deficient in healthy bacteria, you may experience symptoms of an overgrowth of candida. Candida frequently affects the digestive system, including the stomach.

Things You'll Need
  • Acidophilus supplement
  • Acidophilus milk
  • Yogurt with acidophilus
Identify possible candida symptoms. Symptoms of widespread candida growth include bloating, gas, fatigue, headaches, cravings for sugar and alcohol, mood swings, diarrhea, vaginitis, depression, sinus inflammation, irritability, low libido, dizziness and earaches.

Restrict sugar as much as possible. Refined sugar encourages the growth of candida. Sources include white and brown sugar, syrups—including corn, maple, and rice—honey, maple sugar and sorghum. If your symptoms are especially severe, you may want to restrict your fruit intake as well, as fruit contains natural sugar that may contribute to candida.

Minimize products that contain yeast, including bread, rolls, pastries, muffins, crackers, bagels and similar products. Not only does yeast encourage candida growth, but these products also typically contain refined sugar as well.

Eliminate alcohol, as alcoholic drinks can contribute to candida problems. It is also beneficial to eliminate or significantly reduce coffee intake, both caffeinated and decaffeinated.

Refrain from taking antibiotics unless you must. Antibiotics destroy the healthy bacteria that grows in your digestive system. Without sufficient “good” bacteria to counteract candida, candida can rapidly multiply and overwhelm your digestive system.

Take an acidophilus supplement every day to encourage the cultivation of healthy bacteria. There are also other acidophilus-enriched food products you can buy, such as acidophilus milk and yogurt. Be sure to check all yogurt labels for the words “live cultures” and “acidophilus.”

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