Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 3, 2015

How to Dress for Bikram Yoga

How to Dress for Bikram Yoga

Bikram yoga requires proper dress for ease and comfort. If you show up in the wrong clothes, you will regret it for the duration of the 90-minute session.

Things You'll Need
  • Yoga mat
  • Headband or sweatband
  • Hair ties
  • Towels
  • Deodorant
  • Non-stick mat cover
Dress for Bikram Yoga

1. Bring a change of clothes. Bikram yoga is practiced at 105 degrees F with 50 percent humidity. You will most certainly drench your yoga clothes with sweat.

2. Dress in thin cotton or other breathable fabrics. Avoid sweatclothes of any kind and stay away from heavy fabrics. Snug-fitting clothes are always easier for movement than loose-fitting outfits.

3. Opt for less clothing. Pick shorts instead of pants and tank tops (or topless for guys) instead of sleeves. Women are often most comfortable in sports bras rather than tops.

4. Wear a headband or sweatband. Sweat tends to make long hair fall into your eyes, which can be distracting. Remember to bring hair ties of some kind if you have long hair. You will have a hard time practicing with your hair down, but if you forget, the studio staff can usually provide them for you.

5. Leave your socks and shoes outside. Socks will only cause you to slip on your yoga mat and shoes are never permitted in asana or practice rooms of any yoga school.

Enjoy Your Bikram Yoga Class

1. Bring water. Some teachers do not like water bottles in the room during the 90-minute classes, but you can always insist. You'll need water before and after.

2. Buy a non-stick mat like Manduka or a non-stick cover for your mat. Covers like Yogi Toes are thin towels with plastic beads on one side for grip. As you sweat, the cover keeps you from sliding around.

3. Bring several towels. You can use one large towel on your mat under your face and other smaller ones to dry sweat from your eyes and face.

4. Know that while you are struggling, you are doing some deep cleansing. Bikram yoga's creator Bikram Choudhury claims that his type of yoga is the only true hatha yoga.

5. Leave if you must. Take breaks or tell the instructor at the start of class if you are new. Bikram can require an adjustment period even if you are a regular yoga practitioner.

6. Avoid eating at least 2 hours prior, if not more. Stay away from heavy foods and drink plenty of water immediately following class.

7. Empty your bladder beforehand. In fact, to do so is considered necessary by yogis. It is thought to prepare and clean the body for practice.

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