Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 10, 2015

Homemade Face Packs And Beauty Tips

Homemade Face Packs And Beauty Tips

Tone, brighten and smooth skin using fresh, natural ingredients for a homemade face pack. Face packs are beauty recipes you can create in the comfort of your own home, apply to a clean, washed face and reveal beautiful skin. Pamper yourself and continue to maintain your fresh face with beauty tips to enhance your skin long after using a face pack.

Cucumber Face Pack
This face pack will smooth dry skin. To make, peel and mash a whole cucumber in a bowl. Strain and add 1 tbsp. of sugar, then mix well. Place the bowl in the refrigerator until cool. Apply it to your face your hands. Leave it on for 10 minutes, then rinse with cold water and pat dry with a towel to reveal beautiful smooth skin.

Lemon Face Pack
This face pack tightens and brightens with its creamy, cool texture. You will need 1 tbsp. of honey, 1 tbsp. of lemon juice and one egg white. Whisk the ingredients in a bowl until the mix takes on a smooth, creamy texture. Apply the pack to your face with your fingertips; gradually build up a good layer. Leave it on for 20 minutes, rinse your face with cool water and pat dry with a towel. The pack will smooth away oily skin and patches, revealing a brighter face.

Combination Pack
This face pack is great for combination skin. Make a pack with 1/2 cup of powered, dry peas, mixed with 3 tbsp. of curd and the juice of one lemon. Then add 1/2 cup of papaya pulp; mix well. Clean your T-zone with an astringent, then using a cotton ball, dab milk around the rest of your face. Apply the pack and leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse your face with cold water, and pat dry with a towel.

Eye Packs
Reduce puffy, red eyes with eye packs, or combine with face packs for a full facial. Cucumber slices reduce puffiness. Chill them in the refrigerator for an extra cooling sensation. Grated potato can brighten like cucumber, too. Otherwise, tea bags work nicely on red, tired eyes. Take two tea bags and submerge them in warm water for just a moment. Place them in the freezer for around 10 minutes, then place on eyes.

Pore Reducer
Fill an ice cube tray with rose water and freeze. Rub the cubes on your face in your T-zone to shrink pores and reduce blackheads. Use rose water cubes any time of day or just before bed. After a nice steam bath has opened your pores is an ideal time to use this pore reducer as well.

Face Pack Tips
Keep any unused pack refrigerated for up to one week after making. Simply wrap the bowl you made it in with cling film or saran wrap, and you can use it later in the week for a second treatment.

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