Thứ Bảy, 17 tháng 10, 2015

How to Use Bikram Yoga for Weight Loss (4 Steps)

How to Use Bikram Yoga for Weight Loss (4 Steps)

Bikram yoga is a challenging type of yoga where students are placed in a room that is heated to 104 degrees Fahrenheit for a total of 90 minutes of 26 different yoga poses. Losing weight may not be the forefront of what bikram yoga may be used for, but it is definitely a possibility.


1. Go to bikram yoga at least three times a week, or 10 times a month, when beginning yoga. Going any less can not produce the kinds of results you are looking for if your goal is to use bikram yoga for weight loss. Many avid participants of bikram yoga frequent the classes from five to six sessions a week and see optimum results.

2. Take advantage of the yoga poses in class. Try to hold the poses the length of time the instructor tells you to hold for. Bikram yoga is known for burning anywhere from 500 to 1000 calories a session; however, this mostly reflects how much effort you put into the class: the weaker your poses, the less calories you will burn.

3. Eat four hours before class. This gives time for food to settle while not leaving you on an empty stomach.

4. Hydrate yourself the day before and the day of your bikram yoga class. Otherwise, you will not experience the full benefits of bikram yoga or its maximum potential for weight loss.

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