Thứ Tư, 21 tháng 10, 2015

The Best Way to Lose Weight With Adipex

The Best Way to Lose Weight With Adipex

Adipex is a prescription diet pill that is used short term to aid in weight loss by suppressing the appetite. Adipex is taken once a day, usually early morning, so that it does not cause insomnia at night. For Adipex to effectively work, a diet and exercise program should be discussed with a physician. This diet pill is not for everyone and people who have heart problems should not take Adipex. Adipex is similar to amphetamines which can cause addiction and should not be taken longer than two months.

Adipex suppresses your appetite and at times you don't feel like eating. Now is the time to change eating habits since there is a lack of appetite. Cut down to smaller portions of food. Eat four small meals a day, even if you do not have an appetite. Examples of small meals are as follows: Breakfast should consist of one cup of whole grain cereal with skim milk, half a banana, and one cup of decaf coffee or juice. For lunch, fix a salad with tomatoes, cucumbers and grilled chicken strips. Add lemon juice or two tablespoons of fat free dressing. To top your lunch off, eat a low fat yogurt and be sure to drink water. An example of dinner would be four ounces of lean meat like chicken or beef, a cup of raw or streamed veggies, one wheat roll, and decaf unsweetened tea or water. In between breakfast and lunch snack on fruit, such as an apple or orange. In between lunch and dinner a snack can consist of four apple wedges topped with reduced fat peanut butter or half of a whole wheat bagel with low fat cream cheese. Always make sure your meals and snacks are low fat and low calorie. Watch your caffeine intake while on Adipex and be sure to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily.

Adipex is a stimulant and therefore boosts your energy. You will feel the need to get up and get moving. During this energy burst, exercise. Join a gym or go for daily walks. Exercise five days a week for an hour each time, making sure to get the heart rate up so that you break a sweat. Exercising burns calories and will help diminish the energy felt by taking Adipex.

Monthly Check-Ups
Adipex is prescribed by a physician only and should be taken under the care of a physician. Monthly check-ups are required to check your weight, discuss any side effects, and check your blood pressure, as Adipex can raise blood pressure. Also, new goals are set to help achieve maximum weight loss. Consult your physician if you experience a fast heart beat, problems breathing or chest pains.

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