Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 10, 2015

How to Lighten Acne Scars with Home Remedies

How to Lighten Acne Scars with Home Remedies

Your acne treatment may have stopped breakouts and inflammation, but you may still be left with unsightly acne scarring that affects the look of your skin. Restore the condition and health of your complexion with natural home remedies that can lighten acne scars. Although natural acne scar treatment may not remove acne scars completely, they can lessen the redness and help heal your skin. Try these natural ways to lighten acne scars with home remedies.


1. Use the juice of certain fruits and vegetables to help lighten acne scars. After cleansing your face, dab fresh lemon juice (effective because of its bleaching effect) onto acne scars with a cotton ball and let it sit for fifteen minutes. You can also try holding a slice of fresh potato or cucumber (said to soothe inflamed skin) over the area. After treating acne scars, rinse your skin well with warm water and pat try gently.

2. Try camellia oil, said to repair skin by stimulating cell growth, by lightly rubbing a few drops into areas affected with acne scars twice a day until completely absorbed. Although Vitamin E oil has also been known to lighten acne scars, it's also blamed for the increase of blackheads on sensitive skin.

3. Apply a mask several times a week created with plain yogurt and a few drops of fresh lemon juice. If you only need limited pimple scar removal, simply dab the yogurt mask onto affected areas. Let the natural acne scar treatment sit for fifteen minutes, then rinse it off with warm water and a soft cloth.

4. Increase your intake of antioxidant or vitamin-E rich foods like leafy green vegetables, almonds and pecans, fresh berries, apples, cooked artichokes and pinto and kidney beans that help protect your skin and promote a more even skin tone. Try to avoid foods with refined sugar that can increase skin inflammation.

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