Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 10, 2015

How to Slow Down Your Metabolism and Gain Weight

How to Slow Down Your Metabolism and Gain Weight

Although it seems that most attention is given to people who want to speed up their metabolisms and lose weight, a significant number of people can't seem to keep weight on. With metabolisms that rev at high speed all day long, they can use some of the following tips to slow down that high rate of burn to put on extra weight to look and feel better, have more energy and remain healthier in the long run.


1. Eat food that is known to slow down metabolism, Sugar, white bread and processed food, while not on the top of the healthy food list, do create a vacuum in the body that causes fat-burning systems to slow down and store fat. When sugar levels are spiked from these foods, the body goes into a mode to reduce the calorie burn rate. Include fried foods in your diet to add a lot of calories without having to eat a lot more food. Saturated fats used in most cooking oils slow down the body's metabolic rate.

2. Take in enough proteins to gain weight. When combined with a healthy dose of carbohydrates, the protein will get absorbed better and allow the calories to stick around longer. Eat at least six times a day.

3. Relax when eating to allow food to digest thoroughly. People with high metabolisms often exacerbate the condition by eating on the run or not taking time to let the digestion process complete before moving.

4. Check with family members to find out whether others have the same high metabolic rate. There may be a genetic tendency in your family for overactive thyroids. If the condition is common in the family, there may be little that can be done to slow down metabolism other than waiting. One of the hallmarks of the aging process is that the metabolism naturally shows down.

5. Avoid drinking water or other liquids when eating so that you can eat more. Often fluids will get the metabolism going while providing little or no caloric benefits.

6. Try to sleep more. By forcing the body to rest, it may help to slow down the metabolism that wants to race and send you out burning up calories. Exercise early in the day to avoid increased metabolism while you are resting.

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